Book News

November 4th, 2009

My book, YOUR LIFE AS A BUDDHA, is now available on See it here.

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.></a></p>
<p>And, if you’re in Detroit, we’re having a signing and reading and releasing party for the book at Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple, 4347 Trumbull, this Saturday, November 7, at 6 PM.</p>


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	<h3 id=2 Responses to “Book News”

  1. Todd Bowlby says:

    Is this that commentary on the Lotus Sutra you were working on?

  2. Bija Andrew Wright says:

    Yes, or at least, it’s the project that grew out of that. There’s still a lot of Lotus Sutra in the book, but its main goal kind of shifted. Which is fine, because there are lots of accomplished masters who have done “a commentary on the Lotus Sutra” much better than I could, so this is my approach.

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